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Davies and Gardiner: Ancient Egyptian Paintings

Ancient Egyptian Paintings Selected, Copied, and Described. Volume I: Descriptive Text. By Nina M. Davies with the Editorial Assistance of Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1936.

Acceso: http://oi.uchicago.edu/research/publications/misc/ancient-egyptian-paintings-volume-i-plates-1-52

Ancient Egyptian Paintings Selected, Copied, and Described. Volume II: Descriptive Text. By Nina M. Davies with the Editorial Assistance of Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1936.

Acceso: http://oi.uchicago.edu/research/publications/misc/ancient-egyptian-paintings-volume-ii-plates-53-104

Ancient Egyptian Paintings Selected, Copied, and Described. Volume III: Descriptive Text. By Nina M. Davies with the Editorial Assistance of Alan H. Gardiner. Originally published in 1936.

Acceso: http://oi.uchicago.edu/research/publications/misc/ancient-egyptian-paintings-selected-copied-and-described-volume-iii