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Anthony Spalinger: Five Views on Egypt
Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 6
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2006
[viii]+173 p., cloth, 470 g.
ISSN: 0946-8641


Introduction  (p. 1-3)

The Paradise of Scribes and the Tartarus of Soldiers (p. 5-49)

Land Brightens, Day Begins (p.51-85)

The Eulogy to Ahmose at Karnak and Connected Texts (p. 87-121)

The Re-Use of Propp for Egyptian Falktales. An Introduction  (p. 123-136)

Datings of the Kadesh Relieffs (p. 137-156)

Bibliography (p. 157-173)

Acceso a descarga: http://widmaier-verlag.de/index.php?content=issue&isbn=studmon06