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Pdf: The Workmen’s Graffiti in the Valley of the Kings: The Impact of Landscape and Social Networks on Graffiti-making, with a Focus on the Unpublished Graffiti Discovered by Howard Carter in 1915–1918

Pdf: The Workmen’s Graffiti in the Valley of the Kings: The Impact of Landscape and Social Networks on Graffiti-making, with a Focus on the Unpublished Graffiti Discovered by Howard Carter in 1915–1918

Ragab, Muhammad R, The Workmen’s Graffiti in the Valley of the Kings: The Impact of Landscape and Social Networks on Graffiti-making, with a Focus on the Unpublished Graffiti Discovered by Howard Carter in 1915–1918. Uppsala Universitet, 2024 El grafiti tiene el poder...