Essays for the Library of Seshat: Studies Presented to Janet H. Johnson on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday
Editado por Robert K. Ritner
Janet H. Johnson, profesora de egiptología de Morton D. Hull, es conocida internacionalmente como editora del proyecto Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) (1976-presente), pero sus publicaciones e intereses van mucho más allá de la lexicografía. Estos van desde la filología y la historia social hasta la tecnología y la arqueología, pasando por los estudios de género y el matrimonio, la burocracia y la formación de escribas, la gramática egipcia de todas las épocas, así como las aplicaciones informáticas a la egiptología y las investigaciones arqueológicas del antiguo puerto de Quseir, en la costa del Mar Rojo, y el medieval Luxor. Este programa, de veintiocho colegas, estudiantes y amigos, refleja su gran variedad de intereses, con temas que van desde el Antiguo Reino hasta la Antigüedad Tardía.
Publications of Janet H. Johnson. John A. Larson, University of Chicago
Introduction. Robert K. Ritner, University of Chicago
1. The ABCs of Painting in the Mid-Eighteenth Dynasty Terminology and Social Meaning, Betsy M. Bryan, Johns Hopkins University
2. Yellow Is Not a Metaphor for “All [That]’s ‘Fair’ in Love and War”, Lorelei H. Corcoran, University of Memphis
3. The Camel as a Sethian Creature, François Gaudard, University of Chicago
4. A Ptolemaic Grain Account Papyrus (P. Vienna D. 13.534), Richard Jasnow, Johns Hopkins University
5. The Syntax and Semantics of the Particle ἰst in the Middle Egyptian Tales, Jacqueline Jay, Eastern Kentucky University
6. An Indurated-Limestone Sphinx Fragment of Nefertiti in the Luxor Temple, Blockyard W. Raymond Johnson, University of Chicago
7. Were There Legal Form Books, Legal Casebooks, or Case Law in Ancient Egypt?, Thomas Logan, Monterey Peninsula College
8. State Making, Military Power, and Bureaucracy: Some Thoughts on New Directions in the Study of the History of Bureaucracy in Egypt, Joseph G. Manning, Yale University
9. “Completamente distrutte”: Réévaluation archéologique de Philadelphie du Fayoum, Égypte, Gregory Marouard, University of Chicago
10. Fragments of a Late Roman Doorway at Medinet Habu, J. Brett McClain, University of Chicago
11. “Nonsense Burners” and Nomads, Carol Meyer, University of Chicago
12. The Foundation and Purpose of the Settlement at Lahun during the Middle Kingdom: A New Evaluation, Nadine Moeller, University of Chicago
13. A Loan Contract in Chicago from the Archive of the Theban Choachytes (Second Century BCE), Brian P. Muhs, University of Chicago
14. “Greeks” in a Demotic List O. Lips. ÄMUL dem. inv. 1422, Franziska Naether, Universität Leipzig
15. Converters in Old Egyptian, Hratch Papazian, University of Cambridge
16. Family of Priests in the Theban Tombs of Ahmose and R‘a (TT 121 and 72), Peter A. Piccione, University of Charleston, S. C.
17. The Origin of Evil in Egyptian Theological Speculation, Robert K. Ritner, University of Chicago
18. Fear of Hieroglyphs: Patterns of Suppression and Mutilation in Old Kingdom Period Burial Chambers, Ann Macy Roth, New York University
19. An Embalmer’s Bowl with Demotic Inscription (Oriental Institute Museum E9115), Foy Scalf, University of Chicago
20. Stela of Tamiw Naming a King Takelot (Liverpool, Cynthia May Sheikholeslami, Cairo, Egypt
21. Pectorals, Seals, and Seal Cases(?), David P. Silverman, Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania
22. Transformation and Justification: A Unique Adaptation of Book of the Dead Spell 125 in P. Louvre E 3452, Mark Smith, University of Oxford
23. Djedhor Son of Usirwer in the Valley of the Kings. Steve Vinson, Indiana University Bloomington, Eugene Cruz-Uribe, Indiana University East, and Jacqueline Jay, Eastern Kentucky University
24. The Beginning and End of Coffin Spell 149: A Living Person Approaches the Netherworld Tribunal, Edward F. Wente, University of Chicago
25. Revisiting the Egyptian Memnon: Landscape and Memory in Western Thebes, Jennifer Westerfeld, University of Louisville
26. A Saite Family Burial Assemblage from Nag el-Hassiya in the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, T. G. Wilfong, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan
27. Security Conditions and Methods in the Middle Kingdom, Bruce B. Williams, University of Chicago
28. Eine neue demotische Lebenslehre (Pap. Berlin P. 13605), Karl-Theodor Zauzich
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