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Pdf: The Workmen’s Graffiti in the Valley of the Kings: The Impact of Landscape and Social Networks on Graffiti-making, with a Focus on the Unpublished Graffiti Discovered by Howard Carter in 1915–1918

Pdf: The Workmen’s Graffiti in the Valley of the Kings: The Impact of Landscape and Social Networks on Graffiti-making, with a Focus on the Unpublished Graffiti Discovered by Howard Carter in 1915–1918

Ragab, Muhammad R, The Workmen’s Graffiti in the Valley of the Kings: The Impact of Landscape and Social Networks on Graffiti-making, with a Focus on the Unpublished Graffiti Discovered by Howard Carter in 1915–1918. Uppsala Universitet, 2024 El grafiti tiene el poder...
Tesis en pdf: Studies in the Saqqara New Kingdom Necropolis: From the Mid-19th Century Exploration of the Site to New Insights into the Life and Death of Memphite Officials, Their Tombs and the Use of Sacred Space

Tesis en pdf: Studies in the Saqqara New Kingdom Necropolis: From the Mid-19th Century Exploration of the Site to New Insights into the Life and Death of Memphite Officials, Their Tombs and the Use of Sacred Space

Este estudio se presenta en forma de una “tesis doctoral publicada” que comprende artículos publicados en revistas y actas de congresos. Los artículos están vinculados temáticamente a la necrópolis del Reino Nuevo de Saqqara y agrupados en tres secciones...